This description is for Redshift Standalone to render .rs files (with redshiftCmdLine).

(It is not a description how to setup/render Maya/Houdini scenes with Redshift enabled)


By default Redshift is configured to use a Shared Executable.

  • Create the folder        [RR]\render_apps\renderer_exe\redshift\win_x64\Redshift_2.6.70\
    Note: Change the Redshift version "2.6.70"   and   OS "win_" to match your environment.
  • Copy the contents of your Redshift Standalone folder into this new folder.
  • If everything is copied right, then you find the Redshift executable in  [RR]\render_apps\renderer_exe\redshift\win_x64\Redshift_2.6.70\bin\redshiftCmdLine

Modify Shared Executable folder for Redshift

You can change the location of the Shared Exe folder [RR]\render_apps\renderer_exe\redshift\[os] to some other folder.

Create a text file [RR]\render_apps\_config\

Add a line:

ExeCopyFromDir = \\MyFileserver\Shaders\Redshift\

With this example path, the Redshift executable has to be in this path:  \\MyFileserver\Shaders\Redshift\Redshift_2.6.70\bin\redshiftCmdLine

If you want to keep a setting for the OS, use for example

ExeCopyFromDir = \\MyFileserver\Shaders\Redshift\<rrOS>

<rrOS> is  replaced with "win", "lx" or "osx". (Note: without any "_x64")

Change Redshift into default local application instead of Shared Executable.

You change the Redshift setup not to use Shared Executables.

In this case Redshift works like any other render application.

You have to set the path to Redshift in the config of each client.

Create a text file [RR]\render_apps\_config\

Add these lines to clear the Shared Executable settings:

ExeCopyFromDir =

ExeCopyToDir =

ExeCopiedWin =

ExeCopiedLx =

ExeCopiedOsx =


If you use the subscription license, then you have to setup your login on all machines.

The subscription license requires a local service to be running.

Then you either start the MAXON app or a commandline app to tell the service your MAXON subscription login information.

You can run the commandline app via RR.

License via Red Giant service:

  1. Please take a look at the files RR\sub\misc\MAXON_License_reg.bat/.sh
    Edit the file to add your login data.

  1. Start the rrSubmitter and load the file maxon_license_login.bat (windows) or .sh (linux)

  2. Assign the machines that have the maxon app/license service installed

  3. Change the renderer at the bottom to "OnceEachClient"

  4. Submit the job

  1. Clients start executing the job.

  2. Check the render log files.
    If you notice that the Red Giant Service nor the the mx1 application is installed, follow the steps on this page to get the unzipped/extracted installer.
    (Or rename the installer to .zip and use e.g. Total Commander to extract it)

    Then edit MAXON_License_reg again to uncomment the install lines.
    Reset the job.


Just like every other archive renderer type, you have to load one file of your .rs sequence into the rrSubmitter.

The rrSubmitter recognizes the frame range of your sequence.

RR is not able to get the output folder/filename and redshift version.

You have to set a redshift version in the lower left.

Then either set the right output name or use any incorrect output name and check the option "do not check for frames".

Redshift application log file

You might need to collect the Redshift app log file in some rare cases.

RR can copy the file for you into the rrJobData folder and you can access it via rrControl just like any render log file.

Please create the file [RR]\render_apps\_config\

and add the line

SeperateRenderLogFile= <rrLocalTemp>\Redshift\Log\Log.Latest.0\log.html