Salve rrKnights!

A new Royal Render version is available for download.
Please download it from our website

Total number of 116 changes
To view all changes, please take a look at the Changes List.

Cost based on Ghz*h was changed into based on PS*h (old Ghz cost column still available)
Change PS*s into PS*h
Any/Or filter as checkbox
Job ID increased by one letter
More layout settings saved (Job Info collapses, Client Filter)
Reset disables job
User information changed from window into bar
Logfile links in Performance and Frames Rendered
Right-click on first column to get link to job IDs
Auto-Change job filter if job by ID requested
Statistic image: Add total PS, change client count into client PS, add remaining time, add day time
Client Table: Show last client Report time
Client Table: Show if command is pending
Client Table: Split network traffic into IN/Out and separate for each Cloud Client
Increase max job count to display to 70 000
Side-Layout for Filter and Commands
Job queue update done in background thread
Pick filter from job selection

Create rrViewer cache files for jobs without Local Render Out
UI: Job ID link to open rrControl

Modules for Python 3.10
rrSubmit: Add functions to set login if required
SetLogin: Unicode user name support

Render configs and submission
Houdini: USD fixes
Houdini: Distributed Simulation fixes
Houdini: Preset folder for 3rdparty packages
Houdini: Filecache, rrDenoise rrDependency and PDG updated
C4D: rrEnv fixes for Arnold and Redshift
Maya: Kill APDClientService

Remove preview jpeg and stat image creation (moved to rrClient and rrControl)
Disable html generation and ftp upload (use rrPigeonLoft instead)
Always save jobs.db and logfile to local drive
Event plugin: Fixes, SDK example, help updated, more triggers